Rakuchikai International ・・・ Introduction of Traditional Japanese Tea Culture
つくば と 水戸で お茶の教室を運営する 楽知会 (主宰 石光宗眞) のブログから 国際交流に関する情報を "楽知会インターナショナル"として独立させました。日本の伝統文化・ 茶道 を紹介しながら 海外の方々との交流を試みる 楽知会の取り組みを発信していきます。
楽知会は 1997年に茨城県つくば市に開設された茶道の教室です。 表千家の茶道をとおして日本の伝統文化を学びながら 温故知新の気持ちをもって 未来につなげていくことを目指しています。
Rakuchikai was established in Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan in 1997.
Ever since, we have been offering Tea Ceremony Lessons, showing the way of traditional Japanese tea culture.
To enjoy unique and very special experience in Japan, attending a traditional tea gathering is the best occasion that you must not miss.
Through the lessons, we will guide you to look into several important keys you should know before participating tea gatherings.
To learn the procedure of making a bowl of delicious tea, both 濃茶(koicha:thick tea) and 薄茶(usucha:thin tea)
To learn the four most important elements of the tea ceremony
和(wa:harmony) 敬(kei:respect) 清(sei:purity) 寂(jaku:tranquility)
To recognize the spiritual background drawn from Zen Buddhism
To discover the beauty of Japanese fine arts and crafts as you look closer at them
To study how to show cordial hospitality with respect when inviting guests
To study how to appreciate what the host has done for you and how to show your gratitude with respect when invited
Tea gatherings
No matter as a guest or as a host, participating a tea gathering will give you a very good opportunity to practice what you have learnt at the lessons. We sometimes hold formal or informal tea gatherings for you to join.
International exchange
It took us, Japanese, for hundreds of years to develop the sophisticated way of communicating with others by means of performing tea ceremony. We are so proud of our unique traditions that we always feel grateful whenever having chance to introduce our cultural heritage to the people all over the world.